Sunday, March 17, 2013

Campanula Persicifolia 'Alba' Plants

Campanula persicifolia 'Alba' is an old-fashioned bungalow lawn plant of great appeal. Its coming vegetation progressively types excellent ground cover. From delayed springtime to early summer the high arises of white, wide-open gong blossoms appear consistently. The wonderful plant rises are excellent for cutting if you can keep to do without them in the lawn. Placed en load, this is an eye-catching variety to affiliate with old-fashioned blossoms.

Family: Campanulaceae
Genus: Campanula
Species: persicifolia
Cultivar: Alba
Plant type: Hardy perennial
Flower colour: White
Foliage colour: Mid-green
Feature: Flowers
Sun exposure: Full sun, Partial shade
Soil: Well-drained/light, Chalky/alkaline
Hardiness: Hardy
Skill level: Beginner
Height: 90cm
Spread: 30cm
Time to plant seeds: March to May
Time to divide plants: March to May